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"The Name of KHEM in whom Strength and Vigor and Love  and Joy doth Vibrate and Abound"




Sheik Zachary Amen Kush was born with a desire to help uplift fallen humanity. When he grew of age our brother realized that there was a serious problem in America and the problem was that of racial inferiority of the people referred to a Negroes, Colored, Blacks and African Americans. With a burning desire to learn who he really was Bro. Zachary began studying the history of his people.  In transversing that information Bro Amen Kush became an initiate of the Masonic Order. The gifts of understanding are the treasures of Allah (God) so the Most High Blessed our brother by aiding him in research proving that the Masonic Order itself had origins among the civilizations of old founded by African-Asiatic Ancestors.  Before Amen Kush knew this the Holy Fahamme Prophet taught that Masonry began and ended in the pyramids. The Our Sheik also studied and recieved his charge in Fahamme under the late High Priest Ptah Ra who was taught by Wahbra Semahi, student of Sheik Ahmad Din, the Great Culture Prophet of Amen Ra.


Founder of the Fahamme Temples of Kemite-Kushite Culture and Science


Paul Nathaniel Johnson (Sheik Ahmad Din) is the culture prophet that made his advent in 1919 A.D.

He is the first and only man to formulate a creed for the Kemites in this Age. He is the first man to introduce ancestor worship among the Kemites combined with a rigid monotheism, and this is the Kemites of today only salvation. The Fahamme Prophet Paul Nathaniel Johnson was born May 1888 in Hempstead County Arkansas, County seat Washington, Arkansas. He was a strange from youth. Adept, apt and mysterious. An interpreter of dreams and visions.  He served as a junior Chemist in the U.S. Civil Servic and a sergeant in World War I. He was a graduate from Philander Smith College at Little Rock, Arkansas.  He is a revealer of the Holy Fahamme Gospel which is a Master Key to understanding the root of all cultures and religions.  He laid claim to the absolute fact that he is the Sucessor and Viceregent of the entire Hamite Pantheon by revealing the true history of the sons and daughter of Ham. He stated their strength and power remain and he cleared all the socalled pagan gods of all the false charges made against them. This is your identification among Gods and men. This work exist to proprogate the teachings of the Holy Fahamme prophet to world of Hamites and all good people.

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